OpenLV webinars
You can now find out what the three-year OpenLV project has learnt by watching recordings of two webinars held earlier this month, an animation, and five videos about the project. There’s also a Community Guidebook and a final report brochure.
The first webinar discussed ‘Electricity Networks & Distributed Intelligence’, when the technical benefits of distributed intelligence platforms were explained, such as the LV-CAP® technology trialled in this project.
The second webinar explained what happened when the data collected from the trials was made available to community organisations, businesses and academia – what these different organisations wanted to do with the data available, and how they utilised it when they received it.
Click below to watch the OpenLV webinars:
Electricity Networks & Distributed Intelligence
Making LV network data openly available
OpenLV animation
You can also find about OpenLV in just three minutes, by watching an animated video about the project. The animation summarises what the project has achieved, what the project’s legacy is, and what distributed intelligence platforms could enable in the future.
Watch the OpenLV animation here
OpenLV final project report brochure
OpenLV has published its final report brochure, providing an overview of the project findings. The publication covers the enabling technology, cyber security and how the technology benefits community groups, businesses, academia, the Net Zero transition and social responsibility. It is illustrated with case studies, summarising how the organisations that participated in the project used data provided by the project and the apps that these organisations created.
Click here to download the OpenLV final project report brochure
Community Guidebook
The project has also produced a Community Guidebook about using local electricity data, based on the experience of the community organisations who participated in OpenLV.
Click here to download the OpenLV Community Guidebook
OpenLV videos
OpenLV has released five videos comprised of interviews with project partners and participants, as follows:
• Social Responsibility
• Network Benefits
• Community Involvement
• Business and Academia
• Enabling Net Zero Aspirations