Trial location
The trial is using a substation near Bath, Somerset
Distribution Network Operators (DNOs) are obliged to deliver electricity to consumers within the voltage ranges specified in the Electricity Safety, Quality and Continuity Regulations 2002.
What is the challenge?
Increasing quantities of low carbon technologies connected to distribution networks, such as electric vehicles (including vehicle to grid charging), heat pumps and solar photovoltaics are expected to cause significant shifts and increased variability in typical voltage profiles. If not proactively managed, this situation could cause excursions from the prescribed limits, potentially damaging sensitive equipment and generating compliance issues for DNOs.
What is the proposed solution and how is OpenLV enabling it?
Orxa Grid is developing an application to run on the OpenLV platform which could forecast future voltage profiles and generate voltage alerts based on those predictions. The generated predictions and alerts could provide DNOs with a deeper visibility of their low voltage network performance, without them having to manually drill down into low level data from individual sensors.
It is hoped that this could assist with the transition from DNO to Distribution System Operator, by automating the categorisation of substation risk, and enabling smarter data-driven decisions regarding planned network reinforcement works.