Trial location

Swansea, South Wales


Egnida is managing an innovative scheme to introduce smart energy technology into social housing. The ‘smart energy fuel poverty initiative’ is an existing project, which is a test bed of real homes acting under real conditions. Six homes are currently configured with technology including solar PV, battery storage and smart heating systems.

What is the challenge?

The energy industry is currently experiencing a period of emerging disruptive low carbon technologies (LCTs), such as PV, which offer benefits for social housing. However, these benefits often cannot be fully realised without the need for costly reinforcement of low voltage networks.

What is the proposed solution and how is OpenLV enabling it?

This project will seek to build a software application that uses substation data from the OpenLV platform to control the batteries and smart heating to reduce peak load on the local substation.

The project will explore how smart energy technologies could be used in homes to support the roll out of LCTs without the need for costly reinforcement. In addition to enabling more local generation, the project also has the potential to help alleviate fuel poverty in social housing.

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